Information, resources and support are three of the most important tools in the fight against cancer. At Dayton Physicians Network we believe that information is an essential part of treatment. Knowledge is power, and there’s no time in your life when you need to feel empowered more than when you’re undergoing cancer treatment. The more you know, the more you can be a part of your recovery.
Below you will find a wealth of information that can help you and your caregivers; knowledge to understand your diagnosis and treatment, and the opportunity to find resources and support that may also provide assistance. We collaborate with local and national organizations when possible and then offer you links to other reputable organizations to meet additional needs.
Maple Tree Cancer Alliance
Dayton Physicians Network collaborates with Maple Tree Cancer Alliance to improve the quality of life for individuals afflicted with cancer. Maple Tree offers FREE services to our cancer patients. “Wellspring of Hope” Exercise Classes and Nutrition Seminars are offered at our locations and many other locations across the Miami Valley. Call 937- 477-8213 to register and to learn more, visit www.mapletreecanceralliance.org
American Cancer Society
Dayton Physicians Network has partnered with the American Cancer Society to provide a unique service for patients and caregivers to receive support while undergoing treatment. American Cancer Society offers wig fittings and free wigs for patients and Look Good …Feel Better classes to enhance appearance and self-esteem during treatment at multiple locations across our service area (including two of our offices). Please contact the American Cancer Society to schedule an appointment at the wig bank or Look Good…Feel Better program closest to you. Call 1-800-227-2345 or visit www.cancer.org
Additionally, ACS provides transportation through their Road to Recovery program, lodging during cancer treatment, resources for other needs and one-on-one breast cancer support through their Reach to Recovery program
Please note that this is NOT a complete list of resources.
- Area Agency on Aging- Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble, and Shelby counties
- Council on Aging- Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren counties
- Cancer Association of Darke County
- Cancer Family Care
- Noble Circle
- Pink Ribbon Girls
- Western Ohio Head & Neck Cancer Support
- National Cancer Institute
- National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- National Foundation for Transplants
- National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
- Needy Meds
- Patient Advocate Foundation
- Patient Access Network
- Patient Access Network Foundation
- Patient Services Inc.
- Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer
- Today’s Caregiver
- ZERO-The End of Prostate Cancer
Urology Patient Education
Information Pamphlets
At Dayton Physicians Network we believe that information is an essential part of treatment. Knowledge is power, and there’s no time in your life when you need to feel empowered more than when you’re undergoing cancer treatment. The more you know, the more you can be a part of your recovery.
Below you will find a wealth of information that can help you and your caregivers; understand your diagnosis and treatment.